Innovation for a more United, Equitable, & Sustainable World

We are a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the exploration, enhancement, & promotion of balance across the social, economic, & ecological dimensions of the development process worldwide
ultimately contributing to the advancement of civilization.

We systematically fulfill our mission through:
  • Ongoing Research on the latest innovations in the social, economic and ecological dimensions of life 
  • Innovative Programs serving the need for a more united, equitable, and sustainable world
  • Global Network of individuals, communities, and organizations utilizing our research and programs
We envision a future world civilization characterized by harmony among social, economic, & ecological spheres, within the context of time & place, while making progress in terms of:
  • Social Balance: Nurturing human potential, fostering global unity, & organizing collective initiatives
  • Economic Balance: Elevating creativity, cultivating innovation, & serving development needs
  • Ecological Balance: Moderating consumption, protecting habitats, & utilizing sustainable resources


The social dimension of a balanced development model focuses on nurturing human potential, fostering global unity, and organizing collective initiatives. Character development, personal growth, and the cultivation of potential human capacities, as well as the spiritual, mental, and physical health of children, youth, and adults, contribute to the collective consciousness of the community, forming the foundation for the advancement of civilization.

Fostering global unity in light of growing conflicts, widespread poverty, and climate change is paramount for building a better world. Family and community members can be highly effective in mentoring children and youth in support of the education system. Communities can also provide vital support for local initiatives in social enterprise, ongoing conservation efforts, and the strengthening of communal bonds.

Organizing collective initiatives through an ongoing process of consultation, action, and reflection is key to building community, addressing needs, and achieving goals that benefit all members. By fostering greater engagement and collaboration across various sectors, communities can achieve greater harmony, create opportunities for all, and ensure sustainable progress while effectively addressing shared challenges together.


The economic dimension of a balanced development model emphasizes elevating creativity, cultivating innovation, and serving development needs. Creativity across various disciplines, initiatives, and artistic expressions plays a crucial role in harnessing the power of inspiration and maintaining balance in society. By fostering creative initiatives and offering encouragement, communities can support social enterprise, and enhance personal fulfillment.

Cultivating innovation across social, economic, and ecological dimensions of the development process is key to progress and advancement. This involves developing strategies and approaches that foster unity in the community, ensure technology is accessible to all, and improve sustainability. By prioritizing innovation, societies can create a more cohesive, inclusive, and vibrant environment for everyone.

Serving development needs through the empowerment of human resources, the integration of value-based digital economic models, and the utilization of sustainable resources can lead to a global economic platform that transcends traditional supply and demand concepts. By incorporating social and ecological considerations into economic activities, communities can build a more harmonious, equitable, and sustainable future.


The ecological dimension of a balanced development model is about moderating consumption, protecting habitats, and utilizing sustainable resources. Growing consumption has had significant global impacts, including pollution, waste, health issues, and climate change. Our choices in water, food, housing, energy, and products can either exacerbate or mitigate these effects. Moderating consumption can improve the health of individuals, communities, and the planet.

Protecting habitats is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and fostering harmony with nature, animals, and Earth's resources. This involves preserving forests, wetlands, oceans, and other natural environments to support biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. Such efforts help ensure that wildlife thrives while communities benefit from clean air, access to drinking water, and fertile soil.

Utilizing sustainable and renewable energy sources like solar, water, wind, and thermal energy is essential to mitigating climate change and global warming. Transitioning to these energy sources reduces reliance on fossil fuels and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. By focusing on renewable energy, we can prevent animal extinction, deforestation, and the depletion of nonrenewable resources, fostering a healthier and greener world.

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